Thursday, May 6, 2010

Incomplete / Unperfected Work

Here I am going to acknowledge any pieces of my work that I have noticed to have not been to a perfect finished standard.

I am aware that the skin modifiers on both of the models are weighted in such a way that mean some kinds of movement lead to unnatural shapes and bumps. These can be seen in places such as when the old man is sitting on the log, the tops of his legs are sticking up in an odd way and when Death is holding his scythe above his head, his arm folds in on itself on the shoulder. I could have fixed these problems if I had more time but found myself against the clock when rendering times were mounting up into the tens of hours. I have made an effort to attempt to hide these problems with well placed lightning and cameras, but it can still be seen when looking out for them in certain places.

In my scene where the old man sits on the tree stump, I forgot to make the biped un-renderable, meaning that the bipeds wrists can be seen through the shirt of the old man. This problem could have easily been sorted out if it was again not down to time constraints as that particular scene took 20+ hours to render with the render options I was using.

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