Thursday, May 6, 2010

Scene 9 – Death Carries Rock

In this, the closing scene of my animation, we can see Death carrying the rock for the old man, whilst he walks behind. I made death hold the rock in such a way that would seem very comical to the watcher of the video, as he is holding it up in front of his face, completely obscuring his view of the road ahead. Even though he is holding the rock in this way, he isn't shown to be under any pressure, as I'm sure a super natural sentient being wouldn't have much trouble holding up a rock...

The camera in this scene is like the one in the opening scene also, but this time it also moves along the road with the characters, rather than being anchored on the edge of the road and simply panning to look at them. I felt I needed to have the camera like this opposed to how it was in the original show so that you could see the comical awkwardness of the scene. Neither of the two characters are making an attempt to converse with each other, and death can barely see where he is going over the top of the rock.

To animate this scene, firstly I used the footstep mode tool to make the old man walk at a steady pace. Like previously mentioned, because I do not use the legs of the biped from deaths model, I was unable to make him walk, instead, I moved his bip along the road at roughly the same speed of the old man's walk. I then added some height in between each of the key frames to give the effect that he was "bobbing" up and down along the path, to give him a more natural floating look. As for the camera, I key framed that along the path also at the same speed of the old man and death, making sure that they were in the centre of the shot all of the time.

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