Thursday, May 6, 2010

Scene 5 - Death Appears

So that's what the sound was! In this scene we see death for the first time. He is standing still at the side of the river holding his scythe in two hands. After a moment of standing still, death lets out a massive laugh.

The camera in this scene is the first one which doesn't move, because there is very little movement in the scene which warrants it. Death does not actually move from his fixed position, rather he just moves his limbs on the spot.

To animate death laughing, first I had him throw his head backwards as if he was doing a really evil cackle. After this I rotated both of his shoulders up to mimic the natural movement of when people laugh. I then key framed his shoulder moving up and down and his head bobbing about for a length of time before slowly cutting it down as the laugh began to end.

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